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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院


Marketing, Communications and Recruitment at Saint Paul College

市场营销, Communications and Recruitment Department supports a range of marketing strategies aimed at promoting Saint Paul College to diverse internal and external audiences. The department maintains the Saint Paul College identity by ensuring that all electronic and printed collateral preserves, strengthens and promotes the College's quality image, 鲜明的品牌个性和身份, 最重要的是, 符合学院的使命, 理想及价值观.

这是市场营销的目的, Communications and Recruitment Department to provide accurate, 真实的, timely and appropriate information to current and 未来的学生, 以及所有的组成团体. 本系努力发展, adopt and implement recruitment and marketing campaigns, 事件, 以及维护学院使命的项目, 愿景, 价值观和战略重点.



Saint Paul College welcomes feedback regarding marketing and recruitment efforts or materials. 如有任何问题、意见或顾虑,请提出来 填写此反馈表格.




The College 营销委员会 meets monthly September - May. Membership includes staff, faculty and current student representation. The mission of the 营销委员会 is to recommend strategies to increase the visibility of the College. The committee also reviews marketing and recruitment collateral and initiatives, 并在每次会议上提供反馈. 


SaintPaul.edu is an essential source of information for current students, 未来的学生, 过去的学生, 大学的员工, 社区伙伴和雇主. It is critical for the College to provide accurate, timely and appropriate content on the website.

每个部门, office or program is responsible for appointing a person who will maintain and update the content on their respective pages. The appropriate College 领导 Team Member or designee must approve content.


The website content designee is expected to review and update the webpage(s) as needed, 每学期最少一次. The person responsible for reviewing the webpage must submit substantive changes to the appropriate authority for approval. 在这里查看内容专家/所有者列表.


To implement changes or updates on a webpage, content designees must complete the 网页申请表格. 市场部收到请求, 编辑和校对内容, and reviews for accuracy to the best of its ability and knowledge. 校对和编辑后, the marketing department forwards the web page updates or changes with approval to the webmasters. The webmasters then update the page, and notify the submitter that the request has been completed.


Please allow at least three working days to process requests involving minor changes/updates to current content.

The timeframe for completion is dependent on the complexity of the project and prioritizing of other requests received.

To help ensure timely completion of your Web请求, please do the following:

  • review your submitted materials for accuracy of information, days and dates;
  • clearly mark and indicate changes/edits to be made
  • 检查你的拼写、标点和语法;
  • make sure the URL you provide to us is the URL of the page that needs the update;
  • 更换PDF文件, please provide the URL of the PDF and also the page that has the link to the PDF.


Links to external Internet resources may be included in web pages. 当你离开圣保罗时.edu, the College will not accept any responsibility for the contents of those external sites. 链接的范围会有很大的不同, format and content and should be selected with the following criteria in mind:

  • 来源的感知质量
  • 与链接页面的目的相关
  • availability of instructions for access and use
  • 稳定和持续维持的证据
  • 内容是否适合一般用户


The following materials are inappropriate for inclusion on any SaintPaul.edu页面:

  • copyrighted information without written consent of copyright owner
  • 诽谤团体或个人的信息
  • information that violates federal, state and local laws or college  policies
  • information which may injure someone else and/or lead to a lawsuit or criminal charges
  • information that constitutes an invasion of privacy
  • pictures or videos of people without the permission of the people in the picture or video
  • advertisements for commercial products or enterprises
  • 盗版或破坏性软件
访问 应用 请求的信息